1000+ Pixel-perfect svg icons for your next project as Vue components


1000+ Pixel-perfect svg unicons for your next project as Vue components.

Developed with love for developers

A simple way to add the necessary icons and install them.



Installing with npm is recommended and it works seamlessly with webpack.

npm i vue-unicons


You can download latest version from the Github: Download

Quick start


To use in your project:

  1. Import vue-unicons
  2. Grab the icons you want and add then into Unicon library
  3. Install Unicon into Vue


import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import Unicon from 'vue-unicons'
import { uniLayerGroupMonochrome, uniCarWash } from 'vue-unicons/src/icons'

Unicon.add([uniLayerGroupMonochrome, uniCarWash])

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)


Use the name of icon without the uni prefix, icon style and in the kebab-case:

uniCarWash -> car-wash

uniLayerGroupMonochrome -> layer-group

    <unicon name="car-wash" fill="limegreen"></unicon>
    <unicon name="layer-group" fill="royalblue" icon-style="monochrome"></unicon>

Add custom icons

No icons you need? No problem, you can add custom svg icons.


// Always use a prefix to avoid coincidence with existing icons.
export const myCustomIcon = {
  name: 'my-custom-icon',
  style: 'line',
  path: '<path d="M16.327 10.775a.312.312 0 0...</path>' // Copy everything inside the svg tag of the icon you want and past there

For correct positioning of svg icon please make sure that the icon to be added has viewBox="0 0 X X"


import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import Unicon from 'vue-unicons'
import { uniConstructor, uniCarWash } from 'vue-unicons/src/icons'
import { myCustomIcon } from './custom-icons'

Unicon.add([uniConstructor, uniCarWash, myCustomIcon])

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)


    <unicon name="constructor" fill="royalblue"></unicon>
    <unicon name="car-wash" fill="limegreen"></unicon>
    <unicon name="my-custom-icon" fill="royalblue" />

See example


Installation in Nuxt is almost the same, except that you need import SSR build of library, styles and create a separate file in the plugins folder:


import Vue from 'vue'
import Unicon from 'vue-unicons/dist/vue-unicons-ssr.common.js'
import { uniLayerGroupMonochrome, uniCarWash } from 'vue-unicons/src/icons'
import 'vue-unicons/dist/vue-unicons-ssr.css'

Unicon.add([uniLayerGroupMonochrome, uniCarWash])

Then we add the file path inside the plugins key in nuxt.config.js, and set mode: 'client' to make vue-unicons work only in a browser.

  plugins: [
    { src: '~/plugins/vue-unicons', mode: 'client' }


Name Description Type Accepted values Default value
name Icon name string - -
width Width of icon string - -
height Height of icon string - -
fill Fill color of icon string HEX or color name -
icon-style Icon style string line / monochrome line


Name Description Payload
click Triggered when icon was clicked -
