A chat app with a little bit of everything

Name TBD

Name TBD


Found a bug or want to request a feature? Feel free to create an issue! (template coming soon™️)


Setting up your own instance is easy (dockerfile coming soon™️)


  • NodeJS LTS 16.16.0 (might work with others versions, not tested.)
  • yarn package manager
  • MongoDB 5.0


  • create database indexes using the script located at api/scripts/initDb.js (well, that currently doesn’t exist)
  • create the file web/.env and set the VITE_API_URL environment variable
  • create the file api/.env and set the following environment variables:
    • JWT_SECRET – random string that will be used to sign the jwt tokens (required)
    • DB_URI – your mongodb instances connection string (required, defaults to localhost)
    • DB_NAME – the database name to use (optional, defaults to a_chat)
    • PORT – the port on which the API will listen on (optional, defaults to 5000)
    • TRUST_PROXY – set it to a truthy string if the API is behind a proxy (optional, defaults to false)
    • CORS_ALLOWED_DOMAINS – set it to the address of the web client (optional but should be set, otherwise the client wont be able to make requests) [can have multiple values, separated by space]
  • run yarn install and yarn build
  • start everything with yarn start


see the current roadmap for the alpha release here: https://github.com/ItsArnob/a-chat/milestone/1


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