A chat system based on Vue, with database using MySQL

Project Proposal



This project is the sub-project of the mother project IntLife. The mother project is designed to provide a communication platform for ZJU students in China. The mother project integrates a Posts page (which is the index page), a square page (which is the trading center for products), a group activity sign-up page, and a login page. The mother project also has a message page, but not yet developed. Thus, this project is used to develop the Chat_session page with messages in them.


Describe what data is stored in the database. (Where is the data from, what attributes and information would be stored?)

We decide to inject our dataset using randomly generated data from https://generatedata.com/.

Creativity, Functions, Application And Usefulness

This course project is the sub-project of IntLife, which has a DBMS UML graph below:

The mother project is designed to provide a communication platform for ZJU students in China. The mother project integrates a Posts page (which is the index page), a square page (which is the trading center for products), a group activity sign-up page, and a login page. The mother-project also has a message page, but not yet developed. Thus, this project is used to develop the Chat_session page with messages in them.

However, simply a chat session page is not much creative. Thus, our goal is to integrate the snippets of the products into the communication system. With the minimal set of the mother project, we use entities like User, Posts, Products to construct the framework, and we fulfill the Chat_session and Msg entities ourselves. The Snippet is used to create a snapshot of the product and append it to the chat or the post, for other user’s reference.

For your information, please take a look at the following tabs from the mother project, which better tell you what the mother project looks like.

Mother Project Tabs

These are the mother project tabs (without the “message” tab).


For your convenience, we include the same UML graph here:


  1. Chat_user

    1. User_id: uniquely identifies the user.
    2. User_name: the name entitled by the user.
    3. User_password: the login password.
    4. Avatar: the network address to the user’s avatar image.
    5. Email: the E-mail (which is specified when registering) of the user.
    6. Chatbot_flag: decide whether the user is a chatbot. Yes is 1, no is 0.
    7. Status: the current status of the user, can be online, busy, or offline.
  2. Bottle

    1. Bottle_id: uniquely identify a drift bottle.

    2. Time: the time when the bottle is sent from a Chat_user.

    3. Status: the flag marking whether the bottle has been opened.

    4. Content: the content of the bottle written by the sender.

  3. Post

    1. Post_id: uniquely identify a post.
    2. Post_content: the content of the post.
    3. Publish_time: the time when the post is published.
  4. Product

    1. Product_id: uniquely identify a Product.
    2. Name: The name of a Product.
    3. Price: The name of a Product.
    4. Photo_uri: The link to the Product.
  5. Snippet

  6. Snippet_id: uniquely identify a Snippet.

  7. Snippet_content: The contents of a Snippet

  8. Chat_sesssion

  9. Session_id: uniquely identify a Chat_session.

  10. Chat_name: The name of the Chat_session

  11. Chat_session_pri

    1. Session_pri_id: uniquely identify a private session.
    2. Pending_flag: after a friend invitation is sent, the pending flag will be set to 1. After the invitation is accepted, it will be set to 0.
    3. Blacklisg_flag: if a friend is in the blacklist (the flag is 1), then both sides of the friendship can neither send or receive any message from the other side.
  12. Msg

  13. Msg_id: uniquely identify a Msg.

  14. Msg_time: The time when the Msg is sent.

  15. Msg_status: Whether the Msg is sending or pending

  16. Msg_content: The contents of the Msg.

Per-entity description & Assumptions

  1. Chat_user is the main entity of this chat system. Each chat user can post or like Posts, send and receive Bottles, sell Products, join Chat_session, be the admin of Chat_session, or send Msg.

    1. Chat_user can post or like 0 or more Post.
    2. Chat_user can send or receive 0 or more Bottle.
    3. Chat_user can sell 0 or more Product.
    4. Chat_user can join or be the admin of 0 or more Chat_session.
    5. Chat_user can send 0 or more Msg.
  2. Bottle is a drift bottle that is created by a Chat_user, and randomly picked by another Chat_user when requested by him/her.

    1. Bottle can be sent from a Chat_user.
    2. When Bottle is not yet picked up, it has no been sent to any Chat_user. After it is picked up by another Chat_user, it will be assigned to that person.
  3. Post is posted by a Chat_user to share their business ideas and advertise their Product (using Snippet).

    1. Post can be posted by only 1 Chat_user, but liked by multiple Chat_user.
    2. Post can append 0 or more Snippet. Each snippet links to a Product.
  4. Product is the main component of the chat system and is sold by some Chat_user, it also linked by Snippet.

    1. One Product can be sold by exactly one Chat_user.
    2. One Product can be linked by exactly one Snippet.
  5. Snippet is a kind of small card. It can display contents of the Product. It links Product. It also has relation with Post and Msg, connected by Append_post and Append_msg respectively.

  6. One Snippet can link exactly one Product.

  7. One Snippet can be appended by exactly one Post.

  8. One Snippet can be appended by exactly one Msg.

  9. Chat_session is a collection of many Msg. It has relationship with Chat_user and Msg.

  10. One Chat_session can be Joined/Admined by at least one Chat_user.

  11. One Chat_session contain 0 or more Msg.

  12. Chat_session_pri is another collection of Msg, but it only contains 2 Chat_user. We use this approach to store friendships.

    1. Chat_session_pri can be privately joined by 2 friends at the same time, which means that if one quits the friendship, this Chat_session_pri will be deleted.
    2. One Chat_session contain 0 or more Msg.
  13. Msg contains information of a message sent by Chat_user. Msg has relationship with Chat_session, Snippet, and Chat_user.

  14. One Msg is contained in exactly one Chat_session.

  15. One Msg can be sent by exactly one Chat_user.

  16. One Msg can be appended by no Snippet or more Snippet.

Dataset Schema

Admin(User_id:INT [PK], Session_id:INT [FK to Chat_session.Session_id], Time_begin:Date, Time_end:Date)

Append_msg(Snippet_id:int [PK], Msg_id:int [FK to Msg.Msg_id])

Bottle(Bottle_id:INT [PK], Bottle_time:VARCHAR(255), User_id_from:INT [FK to User.User_id], User_id_to:INT [FK to User.User_id], Status:INT, Bottle_content:VARCHAR(255))

Chat_pri_session(Session_pri_id:INT [PK], Pending_flag:VARCHAR(5), Blacklist_flag:VARCHAR(5))

Chat_session(Session_id:INT [PK], Chat_name:VARCHAR(30))

Chat_user(User_id:INT [PK], User_name:VARCHAR(255), User_password:VARCHAR(255), Avator:VARCHAR(255), Email:VARCHAR(255), Chatbot_flag:INT, Status:VARCHAR(6))

Contain(Msg_id:INT [PK], Session_id:INT [PK], [FK to Chat_session.Session_id], [FK to Msg.Msg_id])

Contain_pri(Msg_id:INT [PK], Session_pri_id:INT [PK])

Joined(User_id:INT [PK], Session_id:INT [PK], Time_begin:VARCHAR(255), Time_end:VARCHAR(255))

Joined_pri(User1_id:INT [PK], User2_id:INT [PK], Session_pri_id:INT, Time_begin:VARCHAR(255), Time_end:VARCHAR(255))

Msg(Msg_id: INT [PK], Msg_time: TEXT, Msg_status: VARCHAR(7), Msg_sender: INT [FK to Chat_user.User_id], Msg_content: VARCHAR(265))

Post(Post_id: INT [PK], Post_sender: INT [FK to Chat_user.User_id], Publish_time: VARCHAR(255), Post_content: VARCHAR(12000))

Post_Like(User_id: INT [PK][FK to Chat_user.User_id], Post_id: INT [PK][FK to Post.Post_id], Like_amount: INT)

Product(Product_id:INT [PK], User_id:INT [FK to Chat_user.User_id], Name:VARCHAR(255), Price:INT, Photo_url:VARCHAR(255))

Snippet(Snippet_id:INT [PK], Snippet_link:VARCHAR(255), Snippet_content:VARCHAR(12000))

UI Mockup

Chat Session, User Information, Product, Post and Message

Work Distribution

Work Member
Front-end Jiayuan
Chatbots Jack
Back-end Zhongqi
Login system Jiayuan
Front-back Interaction Puyu


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