A clean and minimalist theme for Vuepress


A clean and minimalist theme for Vuepress !

Write in front

This is a purely for reading theme, does not support code highlighting, in addition the font is preset cursive, you can try to preview Demo (Source) first before deciding whether to use this theme.


 $ npm install vuepress-theme-reading --save
 $ yarn add vuepress-theme-reading --dev

Use Theme in Vuepress

If you want to create a new blog using reading. You can follow these steps after setting up the Vuepress environments.

When you successfully run a vuepress docs, you should have template like this :

├── docs(you named this file)
│   ├── .vuepress 
│   │   │  
│   │   └──  config.js 
│   │   
│   └──  README.md
└── package.json

you can modify the theme on .vuepress/config.js

module.exports = {
  theme: 'reading',

Theme Config

Some additional settings in .vuepress/config.js

module.exports = {
    title: 'The Title', // will display on the title
    description: 'Your own description', // will display under the title
    theme: 'reading',
    themeConfig: {
      author:'Your Name',// will display on the footer
      authorLink: 'https://xxx.com', //click your name to this site

About Post

All your .md files except README.md file will be displayed on the Home page.

But to prevent errors, please provide an empty README.md file.


  • title (Required)
  • date (Optional)
  • author (Optional)

Please provide a title at .md files that will be displayed on the front page, as well as in the article header, the data will determine the order in which articles are laid out on the front page,and the author will be displayed under the title.

title: This is Title
date: 2022-02-22
author: Okarin

## H2

Here is the text, if you have to read what I wrote,
congratulations on wasting a precious minute of your life.


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