A convenient, cross-platform, and content-focused redis GUI client



RedisFish is a convenient, cross-platform, data-focused Redis GUI client???. Maybe you will like it.

Since v 1.0.0, I have received a lot of useful feedback from friends, thank you very much!

Formerly RedFish, renamed due to the same name

language: 简体中文 English

download: releases


  • Redis basic type data processing
  • The status of data processing is distinguished by color. For example, in hash type data, blue represents new data, yellow represents edited data, etc.
  • Data multi-selection processing
  • The data in the table can be edited directly by double-clicking, or it can be enlarged by the shortcut key of right-click
  • JSON auto format
  • JSON viewing and editing
  • key list paging query
  • The key list can be filtered by prefix grouping, support:, -, _, #, =, +, select in settings
  • The key list supports two different modes: the list is displayed directly and classified into folders according to the prefix, which can be switched in the settings.
  • The console supports two different modes: single command execution and multi-command execution at the same time
  • Support log function, view execution command log
  • Database monitoring, supports cpu usage, memory usage, number of connected clients, number of clients waiting for blocking commands
  • Graphical operation of publish/subscribe function
  • TLS
  • Dark mode
  • Multi-language support, support Chinese, English, automatically switch according to the system
  • Automatic update (currently only on mac)


  • Copy: Command/Ctrl + left-click shortcut copy
  • Data Zoom: Right-click the data to open the data zoom editor, including text and json modes, can be automatically recognized



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