A decentralized Kanban board with ERC-20 rewards
Decentralized Kanban board
This project is a decentralized Trello-like tool, to manage a sprint planning tasks.
Every task is valued by the community, by a blind vote.
Once the task is voted as done, the assignee of the task is sent an amount of the choosen ERC-20 token corresponging of the task.
This system provide many advantages:
- transparent remuneration of a project’s contributors
- ready-to-use equity allocation framwork in case of the token is a security token
- method of remuneration that maximizes team efficiency and individual effort
Every project (collection of tasks) is a smart contract.
A factory smart contract creates project smart contract and keep a listing of it.
Project architecture
Smart contracts
Factory contract
This contract creates and stores all created projects.
- projects: array of projects addresses
- getUserProjects(user: address): returns an array of all the projects in which a user is
- createNewProject(name: string): deploys a new instance of a project, store the address of the instance, add the deployer in the users, and return instance’s address
Project contract
This contract stores all the data for a project.
A project is a collection of tasks, and users that have access to it.
When a task is done, this contract sends the corresponding amount of the reward token to the assignee.
The ERC-20 will be sent from this contract. All the funds used as rewards should be sent on this contract instance.
task: struct:
- name: string
- description: string
- category: string
- assignee: address of the assignee of the task, default 0x0
- doneVotes: mapping of address => boolean, contains the votes of users concerning the status of the task, done or not
- valueVotes: mapping of address => uint, contains the votes of users concerning the value of the task
name: string const, name of the project
voteMin: uint const, the minimal number of votes to consider a task as done
rewardAddress: address const, the address of the ERC-20 used to reward the assignees
owner: address const, the deployer of this contract and admin
tasks: array of the tasks
users: array of the users who have access to this project
createTask(name: string, description: address, category: string): add a new task in tasks
isTaskDone(index: uint): returns wether the task at index is done (sum(tasks[index].valueVotes) >= minVotes)
addUser(user: address): adds a user to users
voteTaskValue(index: uint, value: uint): adds a new vote in tasks[index].valueVotes
voteTaskDone(index: uint): adds a new vote in tasks[index].doneVotes
Deploy your own infrastructure
Deploy the factory contract
python3 deploy_contracts.sh
Deploy the frontend
cd frontend && yarn build
This will produce a dist/ folder that you can upload wherever you want.
Launching the frontend in developement
cd frontend && yarn serve