A digital scoresheet for the boardgame Wingspan with vue

Wingspan Helper

A small web app dedicated to the beautiful boardgame Wingspan. It currently provides a digital scoresheet. A companion for the Automata for solo playing is planned.


The website is a single page application based on Vue.js and vue-cli.

Project setup

You need to have Yarn installed.

# clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/greengiraffe/wingspan-helper.git

# change into the project folder
cd wingspan-helper

# Setup all dependencies
yarn install

# Run the development server
yarn run serve


  • yarn run serve – Compiles and hot-reloads for development
  • yarn run build – Compiles and minifies for production
  • yarn run lint – Lints and fixes files


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Feel free to contribute here on GitHub by creating bug reports or pull requests.
