A fancy Vue credit card field that mimics Stripe.js and is fully compatible


This is meant to be a standalone Vue component that mimics the UI/UX of Stripe.js without using an iframe AND is fully compatible with Bootstrap 4.

This component is no way meant to replace Stripe.js if you are already using it. However, this component is a great alternative for processors such as Authorize.net or as an alternative to having individual fields littering your form.

A fancy Vue credit card field that mimics Stripe.js and is fully compatible with Bootstrap 4.


Fancy UI/UX to that attempts to mimic Stripe.js's proven design
Fully compatible and designed for Bootstrap 4
Extensible and written in ES6
Responsive for mobile, tablets, and desktop
Inline error handling and client side validation fields on a form



npm install vue-credit-card-field --save



Sample Syntax

<credit-card-field v-model="card"></credit-card-field>
