A full-featured Vuejs + Vuetify + Great structure project template

crud-vuetify-structured-template boilerplate

? A full-featured Vuejs + Vuetify + Great structure project template + API Ready

? It's using latest VueJS 2 and Vuetify 2

VueJS 3 + Vuetify 3 + Vite is coming soon ?


It's exactly the same as the VueJS projects, basicly you'll need a NodeJS installation.
Check the links below out for more details:

Quick start

$ npm i -g @vue/cli-init
$ vue init huogerac/crud-vuetify-structured-template my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install   # Or yarn
$ npm run dev   # See the package.json / scripts

Note: The npm run dev will run the api mock and vuejs server,
check the package.json out for running separeted which one.

Why using this boilerplate ❓

  • Focus on the business and creating value
  • Faster project setup
  • Standard project structure organization (easy to scale)
  • Easy to remove / rename features
  • DRY (I was doing those setup steps over and over again)
  • I don't want to be backend API dependent (Faster development using API Mocking)

What's Included ?

  • VueJS (2) + Vuetify configured
  • Page inheritance (Layout)
    • Home Task's list
    • Create, Update and Delete Task
    • Error pages (404, 500)
  • Vue Router to be scalable
  • API Ready (using Axios)
  • API Mock (using json-server)
  • Pure components
  • Linter + Code style (Prettier)


├── apiMock                ? The sub-project for the API mock
│   └── server
│       db.json            ? The API data (mock)
├── public
│     favicon.ico
├── package.json           ? Project/Package Manifest
├── .prettierrc.js         ? Code Style
├── .env                   ? Set environment var for development
└── src
    ├── router             ? #1 App routes
    │   ├── index.js
    │   └── tasks.api.js       ? Routers by context
    ├── pages              ? #2 App pages (App pages/views)
    │   ├── layouts            ? Pages bases
    │   │   └── Public.vue
    │   └── public             ? Pages by context
    │       ├── 500.vue
    │       └── Home.vue
    ├── components         ? #3 VueJS components files
    │   └── visual             ? Pure components**
    ├── api                ? #4 API folder
    │   ├── index.js
    │   └── tasks.api.js       ? API endpoints by context
    ├── mixins             ? Anything used cross components
    │   └── ApiResponse.vue
    ├── filters            ? VueJS template filters
    │   └── dateFilter.js
    ├── assets
    │   └── some-image.jpg
    └── plugins
      └── vuetify.js


