A light weight and intuitive knob component for Vue.js

Vue Knob

A simple, light weight and intuitive knob component for Vue.js.

The vue-knob components attempts to simplify using knobs with your application by providing a simple and customizable control.


Install the package via npm.

> npm install @websanova/vue-knob


Include the knob component by simply installing it.

import Vue from 'vue';

import VueKnob from '@websanova/vue-knob';
Vue.component('el-knob', VueKnob);

The component can then be used as follows.


v-model Value

It's important to note that the value returned will be the same value or object set in the options prop.

For instance in the below case the value returned to data.value will be the original values of 1 or 2.

    :options="[1, 2]"

However, if using an object, then entire original object would be returned.

        value: 1,
        label: 'one'
    }, {
        value: 2,
        label: 'two'
    @input="data.value = $event.value"

The reason for this is to allow us to pass through additional parameters with the selected value which will be a common requirement and avoids additional looks ups.


If a more manual approach for setting the value is needed use the value prop and @input event instead of v-model.

    @input="data.value = $event.value"


Adjust the knob size with the size prop.

There are five sizes supported out of the box which include xs, sm, md, lg, xl.



The variant prop can be used to quickly set a "theme" class on the knob such as primary or secondary.

This will simply append a knob-:variant class such as knob-primary.



The speed (in seconds) at which the dial turns can also be adjusted using the min-speed prop.

Keep in mind that this is a "speed" not a time, so it will be constant regardless of distance.

