A lightweight Google Maps plugin for Vue


This is a lightweight Google Maps plugin for Vue.

Also check out a tutorial creating a COVID Heatmap using this.

:warning: This plugin is in development, so please let me know if you find any errors.


# npm
npm install x5-gmaps


This plugin can be installed like any Vue plugin:

import x5GMaps from 'x5-gmaps'
// Option 1: Just your key
Vue.use(x5GMaps, 'YOUR_GOOGLE_KEY')
// Option 2: With libraries
Vue.use(x5GMaps, { key: 'YOUR_GOOGLE_KEY', libraries: ['places'] })

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  render: (h) => h(App),

:warning: This plugin is not transpiled! If you want it compatible with IE, Edge, and Safari, you need to add this to your vue.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  transpileDependencies: ['x5-gmaps'],


    <gmaps-marker :position="{ lat: -27, lng: 153 }" />
import { gmapsMap, gmapsMarker } from 'x5-gmaps'

export default {
  components: { gmapsMap, gmapsMarker },

Provided Components

Some pre-built components have been provided for general use, or as examples for those who wish to take them further.


Maps can take many options. zoom is defaulted to 12 and center is defaulted to Brisbane (as these options are required).

This component supports the following events:

  • @boundsChanged returns new bounds
  • @centerChanged returns new center
  • @click returns event
  • @doubleClick returns event
  • @rightClick returns event
  • @mouseover returns event
  • @mouseout returns event
  <gmaps-map :options="mapOptions" />

  import { gmapsMap } from 'x5-gmaps'

  export default {
    components: { gmapsMap },
    data: () => ({
      mapOptions: {
        center: { lat: -27.47, lng: 153.025 },
        zoom: 12,


Markers are placed within Maps and can take many options. A position option is required within the options prop or as its own prop.

This component supports the following events:

  • @move returns new position { lat, lng }
  • @click returns event
  • @doubleClick returns event
  • @rightClick returns event
  • @positionChanged (depreciated) returns new position
Props Type Default Description
options* Object - An object of Google Maps Marker options
icon String - URL of the marker icon to be used
label String - Marker label
opacity Number 1.0 Opacity of the marker
position Object - An object that has lat and lng properties
title String - Marker title (shown on hover)
visible Boolean true If marker is visible
zIndex Number - Override position in DOM

* If you want to change values on the fly, use the named props instead of within the options prop. Changing named props will trigger an update.

    <gmaps-marker v-for="(item, i) in items" :key="i" :options="item.options" />

  import { gmapsMap, gmapsMarker } from 'x5-gmaps'

  export default {
    components: { gmapsMap, gmapsMarker },
    data: () => ({
      items: [
        { options: { position: { lat: -27.41, lng: 153.01 } } },
        { options: { position: { lat: -27.42, lng: 153.02 } } },
        { options: { position: { lat: -27.48, lng: 153.08 } } },
        { options: { position: { lat: -27.49, lng: 153.09 } } },


InfoWindows are placed with Maps can take a few options. A position option is required.

They are used to put HTML in and have a close/dismiss button built-in.

This component only supports a @closed event (for when someone closes the window)

  <gmaps-map :options="mapOptions">
    <gmaps-info-window :options="options">
      <p>Example Text</p>

  import { gmapsMap, gmapsInfoWindow } from 'x5-gmaps'

  export default {
    components: { gmapsMap, gmapsInfoWindow },
    data: () => ({
      options: {
        position: { lat: -27.46, lng: 153.02 },
      mapOptions: {
        center: { lat: -27.47, lng: 153.025 },
        zoom: 12,

A Popup is a custom DOM Element. It is here primarily as an example of what is needed when creating your own map objects, but serves as a cleaner InfoWindow for Vue.

It takes the following props:

  • position (req'd)
  • background (style)
  • height (style)
  • width (style)

All events are registered from the markup/component you place inside it rather than the popup itself.

  <gmaps-map :options="mapOptions">
    <gmaps-popup :position="position" background="#BBF0FF">
      <span @click="doSomething()">Do Something</span>

  import { gmapsMap, gmapsPopup } from 'x5-gmaps'

  export default {
    components: { gmapsMap, gmapsPopup },
    data: () => ({
      position: { lat: -27.46, lng: 153.02 },
      mapOptions: {
        center: { lat: -27.47, lng: 153.025 },
        zoom: 12,


Heatmaps are placed within Maps and have several props which are derived from the GoogleMaps Heatmap Options. Some are named differently as they have been enhanced/simplified.

Props Type Default Description
items Array<Object> required An array of objects that has lat and lng properties
colors Array<String> - An array of one or more colors to color heatmap e.g. ['red','#0F0','rgba(0,0,0,0)`]
dissipating Boolean true Specifies whether heatmaps dissipate on zoom
opacity Number 0.6 Opacity of the heatmap
maxIntensity Number - Number of points in one spot to reach "maximum heat" color
radius Number - The radius of influence for each data point, in pixels
weightProp String - The property of items that should be used as the weight (Numbers > 0)

This component does not have any events.

** Note require to include the "visualization" library as described in Deployment

    <gmaps-heatmap :data="items" :opacity="0.8" />

  import { gmapsMap, gmapsHeatmap } from 'x5-gmaps'

  export default {
    components: { gmapsMap, gmapsHeatmap },
    data: () => ({
      items: [
        { lat: -27.41, lng: 153.01 },
        { lat: -27.42, lng: 153.02 },
        { lat: -27.48, lng: 153.08 },
        { lat: -27.49, lng: 153.09 },

:warning: It's highly recommended to check out the demo at the top of this readme to have a play around.
