A lightweight personal markdown document host with vue.js

为什么要用英文写 readme 和 commit 信息?——为了顺手提升我的英语水平


Super lightweight personal markdown document host

Welcome all kind of contributions ! If you want to, check the What to do next? part below to find the thing you’re interested in. Then open an issue to discuss with me


  • Easily show your markdown documents in browser: Put your .md files with the server JavaScript file, done!

How to deploy in debug mode

  1. Install Node.js ( Ask your favorite search engine if you don’t know how to )
  2. Clone this repo: https://github.com/marsCatXdu/light-doc.git
  3. Get in the folder
  4. Open terminal or cmd in this folder, run command: npm install
  5. Start frontend npm run serve
  6. Get in server code folder and start server: Open another terminal or cmd and run: cd backend, node ./lightdocServer.js

What to do next ?

  • Rewrite the server with Python Flask.
  • Add image support.
  • Improve the markdown rendering . It can’t show tables now. We may have to use something else to replace the using “showdown”.

Web APIs

POST /api/getDocumentList

params : None

returns :

		"title": "demoTitle 1",
		"summary": "Just some summary text in limited length."
	}, {
		"title": "demoTitle 2",
		"summary": "Just some summary text in limited length."

POST /api/searchDocument

params :

	keyword: "keyword"

returns :

		"title": "demoTitle keyword 1",
		"summary": "Just some summary text in limited length."
	}, {
		"title": "demoTitle keyword 2",
		"summary": "Just some summary text in limited length."

POST /api/getDocument

params :

	title: "demoTitle 1"

returns :

	"title": "demoTitle 1",
	"summary": "summary text....",
	"content": "markdown document text"


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