A markdown editor component for Vue that renders in place

A Markdown editor component for Vue that renders in place without the need for a preview pane. This is the component that powers Octo.
Dark Theme
Works great with dark themes. Light theme coming soon! ?
Inline Markdown Rendering
All Markdown formatting is rendered in place. This eliminates the need for a preview pane while keeping your document in plain text. Feel free to copy and paste your Markdown into or out of this editor!
Automatic Syntax Highlighting
Code blocks are automatically highlighted based on the tagged language.
Install and Use
npm install --save @voraciousdev/vue-markdown-editor
<MarkdownEditor v-model="markdown" />
import MarkdownEditor from '@voraciousdev/vue-markdown-editor'
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
data() {
return {
markdown: '# Hello, World!'
This library uses yarn
Install dependencies
yarn install
Compile and hot-reload for development
yarn serve
Compile for production
yarn build
Run the unit tests
yarn test:unit
Lint and fix files
yarn lint