A programmatically invoked Vue dialog

Programmatically-callable vue-dialog


Install the plugin

npm i vue-dialog

Add it to your main.js

// main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import VueDialog from 'vue-dialog'
import 'vue-dialog/dist/style.css'

const app = createApp(App)



Add DialogWrapper to App.vue template:

<!-- App.vue -->
  <div class="app">

  <!-- Don't have to import the component -->
  <DialogWrapper />


Dialog component must contain emits confirm and cancel to work properly.

<!-- Dialog.vue -->
<script setup>
  const emit = defineEmits(['confirm', 'cancel'])

    <button @click="emit('confirm', { name: 'Auswuchs' })">Confirm</button>
    <button @click="emit('cancel', { number: 123 })">Cancel</button>

<script setup>
import Dialog from './Dialog.vue'
import { useDialog } from 'vue-dialog'

const handleDialog = () => {
  const { reveal, onConfirm, onCancel } = useDialog(Dialog)

  onConfirm((data) => {
    console.log(data) // { name: 'Auswuchs' }
  onCancel((data) => {
    console.log(data) // { number: 123 }


<script setup>
import Dialog from './Dialog.vue'
import { useDialog } from 'vue-dialog'

const handleDialog = async () => {
  const { data, isCanceled } = await useDialog(Dialog).reveal()

  console.log(data) // { name: 'Auswuchs' }
  console.log(isCanceled) // true/false

Passing data from/to dialog

There are several ways to deal with data. First of all, you can pass data to the second argument of the useDialog composable. Data must be an object with component props. For example, if a component has a prop with the name deail we can pass this { detail: { ... } }.

If you don’t set the props behavior options (third argument of useDialog composable), then each time you pass values, this data will be saved. For example, if you have an dialog component and you called it some data, then next time if you don’t pass a new data, it will show this data again.

  • clear – if true will tell to function reset values after closing dialog
  • keepInitial – if true reset props values to initial values, otherwise to default values of the component

const dialog = useDialog(
  { detail: { ... } },
  { clear: true, keepInitial: true }


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