A sample to do list using Vue.js and Vuex for state management

? About

Vue Do is a sample to do list using Vue.js and Vuex for state management.

? Get started

git clone https://github.com/gaserashraf/Vue-Do.git
cd Vue-Do
npm install
npm run serve

? Built using

  • Vue js
  • Vuex

? Folder Structure

|-- src,
|   |-- App.vue,
|   |-- main.js,
|   |-- README.md,
|   |-- assets,
|   |   |-- logo.png,
|   |   |-- README.md,
|   |-- components,
|   |   |-- README.md,
|   |   |-- body,
|   |   |   |-- README.md,
|   |   |   |-- ToDoItem.vue,
|   |   |   |-- ToDoItems.vue,
|   |   |-- header,
|   |       |-- README.md,
|   |       |-- ToDoHeader.vue,
|   |       |-- ToDoInput.vue,
|   |-- store,
|       |-- README.md,
|       |-- todoStore.js

? Demo Screenshots


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