A select component, designed to be used in forms of vue3 projects

⭐ ag-select

ag-select is a select component, designed to be used in forms of vue3 projects.


? Overview

This project is actually a part of a vue3 component library project that is under development right now. ag-select is a custom component that takes advantage of many features of Vue3 and facilitates two way data binding with v-model.


? Demo

You can check the AG Select Demo Page to see the examples in action.


? Getting Started

For ag-select to work correctly basically you need to provide options array and a placeholder. See the code example below:

   :options="["Ross", "Rachel", "Chandler", "Monica", "Joey", "Phoebe"]"
    placeholder="Select a Friend" v-model="friend">
	Model Value : <span  class="value">{{  friend  }}</span>
export  default {
	data() {
		return { friend:'' };


? Features

  • Two way data binding with v-model capability
  • Works fine with either array of objects or array of strings and numbers
  • Polished UX with CSS transitions on all UI events
  • Automatically positions option list according to space available above or below the select wrapper
  • Optional search capabality
  • Clear the state and model ✖️ button.


? Props

Prop Type Default Description
options Array [] (required) Array of options to select from
read-text String empty (required if only options is array of objects) name of the property from options object array to be considered as option text
read-value String empty (required if only options is array of objects) name of the property from options object array to be considered as option value
placeholder String empty (optional) text for the placeholder
search Boolean false (optional) toggle the search functionality


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