A Simple And Responsive Personal Portfolio Template Built Using Vue

My Portfolio ?

This is a simple, minimal and responsive personal website template, built using vue-js, html and css.

? Live demo



These are the local dependencies that are needed for development,

  • npm
  • git


Get this repo to your local machine using,

$ git clone https://github.com/Natain/natain-portfolio.git


To install the node packages used in the project:

$ cd portfolio-template
$ npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

$ npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

$ npm run build


This section goes over the tweaks that need to be made, and where can they be made. It also talks about the free emailing service that is been used.


All the information on the template is present in info.js that can be found in the root director, or here. This consists of various parameters that handle the information on the website. To add your own information, just edit the contents of this file, and the changes should be noticed. All the pictures need ot be present in /src/assets (or you can configure the path in the info.js file).


The contact section of the template makes use of this API called emailjs. It is a good service that provides 200 email free every month. You will need to configure your own emailjs account for the service to work.


  1. Head over to emailjs and create your account.
  2. Once logged in, select a service. In my case I selected gmail.
  3. Head over to Email Templates on the side and click on Email Template Example. Here, there are few changes to be made if you don’t want to change the template’s javascript code.
    • Change the subject attribute to: New message from {{from_name}}!
    • Change the body to,

    Hello {{to_name}},
    You got a new message from {{from_name}}:
    My contact is: {{user_email}}.

    You can configure this however you want, but the attributes in the {{ }} need to be those.

  4. Create a file called config.js in the root of the project. You’ll notice that the .gitignore has the name of this file. This is where all the data that links your web app to emailjs will be stores.
  5. Create a object that looks like this,

    let config = {
         emailjs: {
             serviceID: '<serviceID>',
             templateID: '<templateID>',
             userID: '<userID>'
     export default config;
  6. You need to get the above mentioned IDs from your emailjs account,
    • serviceID: From Email Services
    • templateID: From Email Templates
    • userID: From Account > API Keys

Make sure your config.js is in .gitignore as you do not want to expose your keys to the public.


Option 1

Option 2

  • Create an issue request, and I’ll be certain to look at it as soon as possible!


Reach out to me at one of the following places!


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