A simple audio recorder for VueJS applications


Audio recorder for Vue.js. It allows to create, play, download and store records on a server.


  • Beautiful clean UI
  • Download/upload/play record
  • Time limit
  • Records limit
  • A lot of callbacks

Tested in

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari


npm i vue-audio-recorder --save


Prop Type Description
attempts Number Number of recording attempts
time Number Time limit for record in minutes
upload-url String URL for uploading
start-record Function It fires after click the record button
stop-record Function It fires after click the stop button or exceeding the time limit
start-upload Function It fires after start uploading
attempts-limit Function It fires after exceeding the attempts
failed-upload Function Is fires after failure uploading
mic-failed Function It fires if your microphone doesn't work
successful-upload Function It fires after successful uploading
successful-upload-msg String Display the message after successful uploading
failed-upload-msg String Display the message after failure uploading



Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build
