A simple baseline charting package for Vue 3


A simple baseline charting component for Vue 3.




npm install vue-sbchart


A basic usage

  <div style="width: 500px; height: 230px">
    <SimpleBaselineChart :series="series" :baseValue="baseValue" :options="options" />

import SimpleBaselineChart from 'vue-sbchart';
export default {
  components: { SimpleBaselineChart },
  setup(props) {
    const series = [
	{ timestamp: 1656818225, value: 12 },
	{ timestamp: 1656818226, value: 13 },
	{ timestamp: 1656818227, value: 14 },
	{ timestamp: 1656818228, value: 15 },
	{ timestamp: 1656818229, value: 12.5 },
	{ timestamp: 1656818230, value: 13 },
	{ timestamp: 1656818231, value: 12 }
    const baseValue = 13;
    const options = {
        upColor: '#37eb34',
	downColor: '#eb3434',
	lineWidth: 1

    return { series, baseValue, options };


Property Type Description
series Array An array of objects containing value and timestamp properties
baseValue float The base value used to calculate high and low positions
options Object An object with customization properties (see below)


You can customize the chart by passing an object in the component’s options prop (see example above) with these properties:

Property Type Default Description
upColor string (hex) #008000 Gradient and line color when value is higher than the base value
downColor string (hex) #ff0000 Gradient and line color when value is less than the base value
lineWidth Number 1 The line size of stroke


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