A Simple Nepali date picker for Vue 3


An easy-to-use and customizable nepali date picker component powered by Vue 3

NOTE: This Component is heavily based on https://github.com/krijanniroula/v-nepalidatepicker

Quick Start

npm i np-date-picker-vue-3

import NepaliDatePicker from 'np-date-picker-vue-3/src/components/NepaliDatePicker.vue';

export default {
  components: {
  // rest of the component

## Customizable Properties

The following customizable properties can be added to the component

1. classValue
2. calenderType
3. placeholder
4. format
5. value
6. yearSelect
7. monthSelect

## Examples - classValue

This works exactly as class properties. Eg: classValue="form-control" (boostrap class)
(Note : In class="form-control", input will be rendered inside another input.)

  <NepaliDatePicker classValue="datepicker" />
  width: 50px;
  height: 20px;

Examples – calenderType

Date picker is present in nepali language and English nepali language.
Default type will be English nepali.

For nepali language :

  <NepaliDatePicker calenderType="Nepali" />

Examples – placeholder

  <NepaliDatePicker placeholder="YYYY-MM-DD" />

Examples – format

Format the date to provide various output based on format string

'yyyy-mm-dd' => २०७५-०२-०१
'YYY-MM-DD' => 075-02-01
'mmmm d, yyyy ddd' => जेष्ठ १, २०७५ मंगल
'MMM D, YYYY DDD' => Jes 1, 2075 Tue

YYYY - 4 digit of year (2075)
yyyy - 4 digit of year in nepali unicode (२०७५)
YYY  - 3 digit of year (075)
yyy  - 3 digit of year (०७५)
YY   - 2 digit of year
yy   - 2 digit of year in nepali unicode (७५)
M    - month number (1 - 12)
m    - month number (१ - १२) in nepali unicode
MM   - month number with 0 padding (01 - 12)
mm   - month number in nepali unicode with 0 padding - (०१-१२)
MMM  - short month name (Bai, Jes, Asa, Shr, etc.)
mmm  - short month name in nepali unicde (ब‍ै, जे, अ, श्रा, etc)
MMMM - full month name (Baisakh, Jestha, Asar, ...)
mmmm - full month name nepali (बैसाख, जेष्ठ, ...)
D    - Day of Month (1, 2, ... 31, 32)
d    - Day of Month in Nepali unicode (१, २, ३ ... ३१, ३२)
DD   - Day of Month with zero padding (01, 02, ...)
dd   - Day of Month with zero padding in Nepali unicode (०१, ०२, ...)
DDD  - Day of Week short form (Sun, Mon, Tue, ...)
ddd  - Day of week in short form nepali (आइत, सोम, ...)
DDDD - Day of week full form (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, ...)
dddd - Day of week full form nepali (आइतबार, सोमबार, ...)

  <NepaliDatePicker format="YYYY-MM-DD" />

Examples – value

Initial value for the datepicker.

  <NepaliDatePicker value="2053-09-19" />

Examples – yearSelect

The dropdown year select can be turned off using boolean type to yearSelect

  <NepaliDatePicker :yearSelect="false" />

Examples – monthSelect

The dropdown month select can be turned off using boolean type to monthSelect

  <NepaliDatePicker :monthSelect="false" />

Examples – All in one

  <NepaliDatePicker calenderType="Nepali" placeholder="YYYY-MM-DD" format="YYYY-MM-DD" value="2053-09-19" :yearSelect="false" :monthSelect="false" />