A simple reddit client written as a vue component


A simple reddit client written as a vue component.



Install the module first:

npm install vuereddit

And use it in your vue application:

  <subreddit name='videos'></subreddit>

import 'vuereddit/dist/vuereddit.css'
import Subreddit from 'vuereddit'

export default {
  name: 'App',
  components: {

This should give you a very simple reddit viewer:


I love reddit, obviously. I also want to build more tools on top of reddit, so I decided
to make this preview component.

Stay tuned for more.

In the mean time I have also recorded development of this library on video. The total time spent
here was around 7 hours. I compressed each session to a 30-60 seconds video, where lots of
screens are flashing, except maybe last 15 seconds, where the final result of work is visible.
