A smart and light radial progress bar component for Vue 3

A smart and light radial progress bar component for Vue 3.
The original project it’s only available to vue 1 and 2, so i decided rewrite it to vue 3.
Live Demo
? Install
yarn add vue3-radial-progress // npm install --save vue3-radial-progress
? Usage
import Vue from "vue";
import RadialProgressBar from "vue3-radial-progress";
import RadialProgressBar from "vue3-radial-progress";
export default {
components: {
? Examples
<!-- Your inner content here -->
import { ref, defineComponent } from "vue";
export default defineComponent({
const completedSteps = ref(0);
const totalSteps = ref(10);
return {
Name | type | Default | description |
diameter |
number | 200 | Sets width/diameter of the inner stroke. |
totalSteps |
number | 10 | Sets the total steps/progress to the end. |
completedSteps |
number | 0 | Sets the current progress of the inner stroke. |
startColor |
string | ‘#00C58E’ | Sets the start color of the inner stroke (gradient). |
stopColor |
string | ‘#00E0A1’ | Sets the end color of the inner stroke (gradient). |
innerStrokeColor |
string | ‘#2F495E’ | Sets the color of the inner stroke to be applied to the shape. |
strokeWidth |
number | 10 | Sets the width of the stroke to be applied to the shape. see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-width |
innerStrokeWidth |
number | 10 | Sets the width of the inner stroke to be applied to the shape. |
strokeLinecap |
string | ’round’ | Sets the shape to be used at the end of stroked. see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-linecap |
animateSpeed |
number | 1000 | Sets how long the animation should take to complete one cycle. see: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_animation-duration.asp |
fps |
number | 60 | Sets the frames per seconds to update inner stroke animation. |
timingFunc |
string | ‘linear’ | Sets how the animation progresses through the duration of each cycle. see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/animation-timing-function |
isClockwise |
boolean | true | Sets the inner stroke direction. |
Name | Description |
default | Sets the default slot inner the radial progress |