A static website for blogs and notes with flexible layouts and multiple optimizations


BlogiNote is a static website template based on Nuxt Content.

It can be used to show your blog posts and learning notes, because BlogiNote has flexible layouts and multiple optimizations for long or short content.

? Demo


  • content driving website, it can generate web pages based on lots of formats of files, like markdown, json, csv and more
  • support MDC syntax which supercharges markdown to be a more powerful tool, because Vue components can be used in it
  • provide navigation page and filter feature to query articles more convenient

? it will keep evolving to add more features


  1. clone or download this repository to your PC

  2. run the following command in terminal to install dependents

# yarn
yarn install

# npm
npm install


run the following command in terminal to start a development server

npm run dev

(add some markdown files) write some articles inside the /content/article folder, then you can preview the website at http://localhost:3000

✨ you can refer to the example article at /content/article/catalogOne/example.md

Deployment to static Hosting

  1. run the following command in terminal to pre-render the website
npm run generate
  1. you will get the dist/ directory (symlink to .output/public), it is ready to be deployed on any static hosting.

? learn more on Nuxt docs.


you can also build your own template based on BlogiNote, adding some Remark plugins to extend the markdown syntax, or building some Vue components to add more custom features


  • content-wind – A lightweight Nuxt template to build a Markdown driven website. Powered by Nuxt Content, TailwindCSS and Iconify.


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