A template should help you get started with Vue 3 development as a ready-made table


This template should help you get started with Vue 3 development as a ready-made table that offers various services and integrates easily with various projects

table image, table image




  • Sorting
    • Allow users to click on table headers to sort data in ascending or descending order.
  • Filtering
    • Enable filtering of data based on different types, such as text, numbers, dates, etc.
    • Implement filter inputs or dropdowns for each column to allow users to enter filter criteria.
    • Apply filters dynamically as users input their criteria.
  • Pagination
    • Divide the data into pages and display a set number of rows per page.
    • Provide pagination controls (e.g., previous, next, page numbers) to navigate between pages.
    • Allow users to configure the number of rows per page.
  • Search
    • mplement a search input to allow users to search for data by any field.
    • Dynamically update the table to display only the rows that match the search criteria.
    • Provide options to perform case-sensitive or case-insensitive searches.
  • Card View
    • Provide an option to switch between table view and card view.
    • Display relevant information in the card, including images, titles, descriptions, etc.
  • Responsive Design
    • Ensure that the table or card view is responsive and adjusts to different screen sizes.
    • responsive behavior for columns, pagination, and any other relevant elements.
  • Dark mode


Install amtablevuecomponenet with npm

  npm install amtablevuecomponenet
  npm i amtablevuecomponenet


    <template v-slot="{ column, row }">
      <div v-if="column.title == 'Actions'">
        <button @click="add(row.name)">add</button>
<script setup>
  import { reactive } from "vue";
  import AmhVueTable from "amtablevuecomponenet";
  // import css
  import "amtablevuecomponenet/dist/style.css";

  const state = reactive({
    htmlCode: "<p>This is some HTML code</p>",
    data: [
        name: "ahmed",
        age: 22,
        aviable: 1,
        date: new Date("12/05/2022"),
        image: "https://via.placeholder.com/640x480.png/0033aa?text=dolore",
        name: "hasan",
        age: 33,
        aviable: 1,
        date: new Date("12/06/2022"),
        image: "https://via.placeholder.com/640x480.png/0033aa?text=dolore",
        name: "adam",
        age: 17,
        aviable: 0,
        date: new Date("12/05/2024"),
        image: "https://via.placeholder.com/640x480.png/0033aa?text=dolore",
        name: "abdo",
        age: 13,
        aviable: 0,
        date: new Date("12/05/2024"),

    columns: [
        title: "Name",
        field: "name",
        EnableFilter: true,
        sortable: true,
        filterOptions: {
          InputType: "text",
          placeholder: "filter Bu Namee",
        title: "AGE",
        field: "age",
        EnableFilter: true,
        sortable: true,
        filterOptions: {
          InputType: "text",
          placeholder: "filter By age",
        title: "Aviable",
        field: "aviable",
        EnableFilter: true,
        sortable: true,
        filterOptions: {
          InputType: "select",
          placeholder: "filter Bu aviablity",
          filterSelectOptions: [
            { title: "all", selected: true },
            { title: "aviable", value: "1" },
            { title: "non aviable", value: "0" },
        title: "Date",
        field: "date",
        isDate: true,
        dateMomentFormat: "L", // use momentjs formats
        EnableFilter: true,
        filterOptions: {
          InputType: "date",
          placeholder: "filter Bu Date",
        title: "Image",
        field: "image",
        Cssclass: "imageClass",
        isImage: true,
        EnableFilter: false,
        title: "Actions",
        isHtml: true,
        EnableFilter: false,
    config: {
      EnableSearch: true,
      searchplaceholder: "Search in Table",
      EnableUseDarkMode: true,
      EnableCardsTemp: true,
      SearchInFields: ["name", "age", "date"],
      EnablePagination: true,
      PaginationConfig: {
        itemsPerPage: 3,
        CurrentPage: 1,


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