A Vue component that implements a TreeView control


vue-tree is a Vue component that implements a TreeView control. Its aim is to provide common tree options in a way that is easy to use and easy to customize.

The Component is still pre-1.0 and should be considered unstable. Breaking changes may occur at any time before the 1.0 release.


Install the component with your favorite package manager:

yarn add @grapoza/vue-tree


npm install --save @grapoza/vue-tree

The default import from this package is the components from the .vue files. In addition to this, pre-compiled versions of the TreeView component and CSS are also available in the package but you will need to reference them manually from your own project.


If you're using it in a .vue file:

  <tree-view  id="my-tree" :model="dataModel"></tree-view>

import TreeView from "@grapoza/vue-tree"

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      dataModel: [
        {id: "numberOrString", label: "Root Node", children: [
          {id: 1, label: "Child Node"},
          {id: "node2", label: "Second Child"}]

Or, import it into your application:

import TreeView from "@grapoza/vue-tree"

Then add the component:

<tree-view id="my-tree" :model="dataModel"></tree-view>
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      dataModel: [
        {id: "numberOrString", label: "Root Node", children: [
          {id: 1, label: "Child Node"},
          {id: "node2", label: "Second Child"}]
