data table simplify with Vue.js

vuetable is a Vue.js component that will automatically request (JSON) data from the server and display them nicely in html table with swappable/extensible pagination component.

vuetable - data table simplify!

No need to render the table yourself
One simple vuetable tag
Display data retrieved from server with sort options
Support multi-column sorting (v1.2.0) by @balping
Pagination component included, swap-able and extensible
Define fields to map your JSON data structure
Define row actions and capture the click event to do whatever you want
Field display customizable via callback function inside Vue.js instance
Programmatically show/hide any field via reactivity of fields definition
Use your favorite CSS framework classes to nicely format your table and dispalyed data
Events to allow control from Vue.js instance programmatically
Capture events from vuetable to manipulate your table and your data
Should work with any pre-defined JSON data structure
Should work with any CSS Framework, e.g. Semantic UI, Twitter's Bootstrap
Optional detail row to display additional data (v.1.2.0)

Live Demo

JSON data structure

Semantic UI example

Bootstrap UI example
