A Vue.js wrapper component for Grid.js


A Vue wrapper component for Grid.js.

Grid.js is a Free and open-source HTML table plugin written in TypeScript. It works with most JavaScript frameworks.


npm install gridjs-vue

Component Registration

Local Registration

  import Grid from 'gridjs-vue'

  export default {
    components: {

Global Registration

/* in `main.js` or wherever you specify your global components */
import Grid from 'gridjs-vue'



Pass cols (an array of column headers) and either rows, from, or server as a data source to the component. Everything else is optional.

Refer to Grid.js documentation for specific configuration options.

Basic Example

  <grid :cols="cols" :rows="rows"></grid>

  import Grid from 'gridjs-vue'

  export default {
    name: 'Cars',
    components: {
    data() {
      return {
        cols: ['Make', 'Model', 'Year', 'Color'],
        rows: [
          ['Ford', 'Fusion', '2011', 'Silver'],
          ['Chevrolet', 'Cruz', '2018', 'White']

Default Options

  "autoWidth": true,
  "cols": [""],
  "from": undefined,
  "language": undefined,
  "pagination": false,
  "rows": undefined,
  "search": false,
  "server": undefined,
  "sort": false,
  "theme": "mermaid",
  "width": "100%"

Extended Options


  import Grid from 'gridjs-vue'

  export default {
    name: 'MyTable',
    components: {
    data() {
      return {
        // REQUIRED:

        // An array containing strings of column headers
        cols: ['col 1', 'col 2'],

        // AND EITHER an array containing row data
        rows: [
          ['row 1 col 1', 'row 1 col 2'],
          ['row 2 col 1', 'row 2 col 2']

        // OR a string of an HTML table selector to import
        from: '.my-element'

        // OR a server settings object
        server() ({
          url: 'https://api.com/search?q=my%20query',
          then: res => res.data.map(col => [col1.data, col2.data]),
          handle: res => res.status === 404
            ? { data: [] } : res.ok
            ? res.json() : new Error('Something went wrong')

        // OPTIONAL:

        // Boolean to automatically set table width
        autoWidth: true / false,

        // Localization dictionary object
        language: {},

        // Boolean or pagination settings object
        pagination: true / false || {},

        // Boolean or search settings object
        search: true / false || {},

        // Boolean or sort settings object
        sort: true / false || {},

        // String with name of theme or 'none' to disable
        theme: 'mermaid',

        // String with css width value
        width: '100%',
