A vue keyboard MultiSelect component


A project for building a keyboard-supported MultiSelect component based on Vue.js.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm i vue-keyboard-multiselect
See https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-keyboard-multiselect for more information.

How to Use

import KeyboardMultiSelect from 'vue-keyboard-multiselect'
Then include your list of elements rendered by your data in <KeyboardMultiSelect></KeyboardMultiSelect>.
Now you can multi-select these elements using keyboard shortcut.
Hold 'Command' for multi-select one by one. Hold 'Command' with 'Shift' for multi-select a section in your list of elements.


Name: rawData
Type: Array
Default: []
Description: An array of data source that is used ro render your html fragment in <KeyboardMultiSelect></KeyboardMultiSelect>.


Name: selectChange
Description: Emitted whenever select of your data is changed. Param is changed selected data array of your raw data.

For detailed explanation on how things work, consult the docs for vue-loader.


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