A weather app created with Vue.js and the openweathermap.com API


This app is created with Vue.js and uses the openweathermap.com API. In order to run this app from the source code, a developer must create an account on openweathermap.com and then create an API Key.


Steps to create an OpenWeatherMap API Key

1. Go to openweathermap.com and create an account
2. Go to API Keys and create a new key
3. Copy and pased the key into a .env file as the variable:


4. Save the .env file

Steps to run the app via npm scripts

1. Run the npm script serve

2. The app will appear on localhost:3000

Steps to run the app with Docker

1. Open docker
2. Go to the terminal and run command

$docker-compose up -d --build

3. The app will appear on localhost:3000


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