An open-source company profile website written in Lumen (PHP), Vue JS and MySQL



Company profie website will generally include :

  • Be able to answer customers’ inquiries about your business.
  • Briefly describe the operations and focus of your business.
  • Include are product descriptions, pricing plans, and testimonials.
  • Provide contact details or some way for customers to contact your business online directly.
  • Offer insights into anything your customers might want to know.
  • Include testimonials from former clients and employers to show your skills and expertise
  • Offer links to your social media accounts so future clients and recruiters can get a fuller idea of your personality and get in touch with you easier
  • Feature a home page, a contact page, and a product or service page
  • User compelling content that encourages users to buy into the product or service

Minimum Requirements

  • PHP 7.2 +
  • Composer 2+
  • Node JS 14+
  • MySQL 5/8+
  • Git
  • Modern Web Browser.
  • Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text for editor.

How To Install

Clone this repository using command git clone


  • Make sure PHP 7.2+ , Composer 2+ and MySQL 5/8+ installed in your computer.
  • Move to backend directory and open command line then run script composer update.
  • Make file .env in root backend directory, copy all variable from env.example.
  • In .env file, please fill all empty configuration variable such as database connection, email and frontend URL.
  • Please run script to installing backend service.
    • php artisan jwt:secret
    • php artisan migrate
    • php artisan db:seed
  • To starting backend service, please run php -S -t public


  • Move to frontend directory and open command line.
  • Please run npm install and then npm run serve to starting frontend application.
  • Open your web browser with address localhost:8080.
  • Login with user admin : Email :, Password : 5ecReT!


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