An Open-Source Twitter-liked Platform Without Toxic And Negativity


Twitter-liked platform without toxic and negativity

Open Source • Super Early MVP

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? Features

  • ? Showcase your creation, idea, or life style
  • ? Simple login (Google, email)
  • ? No comment system (No hate/negativity)
  • ? Editable timeline
  • ? Ads-free

? About The Project

Twitter without toxic and negativity

The main purpose of this idea is to create a toxic-free and negativity-free platform for users to share their latest creation or idea. This is actually to solve my own craving for a platform like this.


This project turns out to be quite a challenge for me, as I’m currently still having a full-time job, and the complexity of the relational database is not my forte yet. But I somehow managed to say this is the MVP for this project.


I saw a few post on Twitter where the user decided to leave the platform because of the negativity, and all the hates.
Furthermore, Polywork inspired me to create a platform for those user. I didn’t enjoy Polywork because of its super high complexity for someone who just wanted to post a simple story on my timeline. Thus, I look this liberty, and challenge to create this platform.

? Built With

⚡ Supabase

  • Supabase Auth
  • Supabase Database
  • Supabase Storage
  • Supabase Realtime (for Notications)

Database Schema

Schema generated by Supabase Schema

Custom SQL

Most of the tables was generated using Supabase Dashboard, but altered using custom script. Unfortunately, I forgot to save those script. But the SQL functions and triggers are listed below.

1 – Handle New User (Function & Trigger)

* This trigger automatically creates a user entry when a new user signs up via Supabase Auth.
create or replace function public.handle_new_user()
returns trigger as $$
  insert into public.profiles (id, avatar_url, full_name)
  values (, new.raw_user_meta_data->>'avatar_url', new.raw_user_meta_data->>'full_name');
  return new;
$$ language plpgsql security definer;

create trigger on_auth_user_created
  after insert on auth.users
  for each row execute procedure public.handle_new_user();

2 – Handle New Follower (Function & Trigger) (WIP)

* This trigger automatically creates a nofication entry when a user follow other user.
create or replace function public.handle_new_follower()
returns trigger as $$
  insert into public.notifications (target_id, type, payload, source_id)
  values (
    (select row_to_json(c) from (select b.username, b.avatar_url from followers a left join profiles b on a.user_id = where a.user_id = new.user_id limit 1) c),
  return new;
$$ language plpgsql security definer;

3 – Get User’s Story (Function)

* This function populate the story with tagging details.
create or replace function get_stories (user_name text)
  returns table (id uuid, date date, story text, tagging uuid[], user_id uuid, image text, created_at timestamp, tags json)
  language plpgsql
    return query
      select a.*, json_agg(b) as tags from stories a left join tags b on = any(a.tagging) where a.user_id = (select from profiles c where c.username = user_name) group by;

4 – Get User’s Story (Function)

* This function populate the story with filtered tagging details.
create or replace function get_tagged_stories (user_name text, tag_id uuid)
  returns table (id uuid, date date, story text, tagging uuid[], user_id uuid, image text, created_at timestamp, tags json)
  language plpgsql
    return query
      select a.*, json_agg(b) as tags from stories a left join tags b on = any(a.tagging) where a.user_id = (select from profiles c where c.username = user_name) and = tag_id group by;

5- Get Story of the user you follow (Function)

* This function returns the stories of the users you are following. Used in '/home'.
create or replace function get_following_stories ()
  returns table (id uuid, date date, story text, tagging uuid[], user_id uuid, image text, created_at timestamp, tags json, user_data json)
  language plpgsql
    return query
      select d.*, row_to_json(e) as user_data from profiles e right join
      (select a.*, json_agg(b) as tags
        from stories a
        left join tags b
        on = any(a.tagging)
        where a.user_id in (select c.following_id from followers c where c.user_id = auth.uid())
        group by
        order by created_at desc
      ) d
      on = d.user_id

6 – Get Suggested User (Function) (WIP)

* This function returns profiles that you should follow. WIP
create or replace function get_suggested_user()
  returns setof profiles
  language plpgsql
    return query
      select * from profiles where id <> auth.uid() order by random();

➕ Contributing

If you like this project, and see potential in it, feel free to reach out to me at Twitter (@zernonia) or

? License

Not Associated with Supabase.

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

? Contact

Zernonia –

Also, if you like my work, please buy me a coffee ☕?


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