Authentication template with email and password, using Supabase and Quasar Framework for UI development

Auth app with Quasar Framework and Supabase (an open source Firebase alternative)

Small auth project being built using Vue3, Supabase and Quasar framework, based on the application developed in the tutorial available on the Patrick Monteiro‘s channel.

Install the dependencies

# or
npm install

Configuring the project for subase

In order for the project to start correctly, a project must be created and configured for email and password authentication in subase.

Once the project is created, copy the supabaKey and supabaUrl and add them to the respective variables, declared in src/boot/supabase.js.

After these modifications, the project should boot correctly, enjoy.

Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)

quasar dev

Remove/Hide menurbar from electron app (optional)

After generate your electron app with the following command

quasar dev -m electron

Go to your src-electron\electron-main.js and add the specified line below

mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
  some code here
  autoHideMenuBar: true /* <-- add this line */,
  webPreferences: {
    some code here too

Start the app in development mode fot windows/linux

quasar dev -m electron

Lint the files

yarn lint
# or
npm run lint

Format the files

yarn format
# or
npm run format

Build the app for windows/lionux with electron

quasar build -m electron

Build the app for production

quasar build

Customize the configuration

See Configuring quasar.config.js.


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