Awesome SVG icon component for Vue.js


Awesome SVG icon component for Vue.js, built-in with Font Awesome icons.

Vue-Awesome is built upon Font Awesome v4.5.0 and depends on Vue.js v2.0.1+.


NPM (Recommended)

$ npm install vue-awesome


$ bower install vue-awesome


Just download dist/vue-awesome.js and include it in your HTML file:

<script src="path/to/vue-awesome/dist/vue-awesome.js"></script>


<!-- basic -->
<icon name="beer"></icon>

<!-- with options -->
<icon name="refresh" scale="2" spin></icon>
<icon name="comment" flip="horizontal"></icon>
<icon name="code-fork" label="Forked Repository"></icon>

<!-- stacked icons -->
<icon label="No Photos">
  <icon name="camera"></icon>
  <icon name="ban" scale="2" class="alert"></icon>

ES Modules with NPM & vue-loader (Recommended)

import Vue from 'vue'

/* Pick one way between the 2 following ways */

// only import the icons you use to reduce bundle size
import 'vue-awesome/icons/flag'

// or import all icons if you don't care about bundle size
import 'vue-awesome/icons'

/* Register component with one of 2 methods */

import Icon from 'vue-awesome/components/Icon'

// globally (in your main .js file)
Vue.component('icon', Icon)

// or locally (in your component file)
export default {
  components: {

CommonJS with NPM without ES Next support

var Vue = require('vue')

// requiring the UMD module
var Icon = require('vue-awesome')

// or with vue-loader you can require the src directly
var Icon = require('vue-awesome/components/Icon.vue')

// register component to use


  paths: {
    'vue-awesome': 'path/to/vue-awesome'

require(['vue-awesome'], function (Icon) {
  // register component to use...

Global variable

The component class is exposed as window.VueAwesome.

Heads up

If you are using vue-cli to create your project and you want to use the untranspiled component (import vue-awesome/components/Icon rather than import vue-awesome directly, to optimize bundle size), the webpack template may exclude node_modules from files to be transpiled by Babel (see #7, #13). To fix this problem, try change build/webpack.base.conf.js like this:

For Webpack1:

        test: /\.js$/,
        loader: 'babel',
        include: [
-          path.join(projectRoot, 'src')
+          path.join(projectRoot, 'src'),
+          path.join(projectRoot, 'node_modules/vue-awesome')
-        exclude: /node_modules/
+        exclude: /node_modules(?![\\/]vue-awesome[\\/])/

For Webpack2:

        test: /\.js$/,
        loader: 'babel-loader',
-       include: [resolve('src'), resolve('test')]
+       include: [resolve('src'), resolve('test'), resolve('node_modules/vue-awesome')]

Further more, do not forget to import icons you want to use if you are using vue-awesome/components/Icon.

If you tried this and cannot find similar situation in earlier issues but still cannot make it work, please feel free to file a new issue.


Dynamic sizing

You can make the icons scale dynamically according to your font-size by adding the following CSS:

.fa-icon {
  width: auto;
  height: 1em; /* or any other relative font sizes */

  /* You would have to include the following two lines to make this work in Safari */
  max-width: 100%;
  max-height: 100%;


The icon color is inherited from the font color of the parent element by default. You can easily change it to any other color by specifying the color property.

Local development

$ npm i
$ npm run dev

Open http://localhost:8080/demo to see the demo.

Updating icons

Don't touch files in src/icons but update assets/icons.json instead and run npm run icons to re-generate icon module files.

Registering custom icons

Simple case

You can register custom icons like this:

// ES Modules with vue-loader
import Icon from 'vue-awesome/components/Icon.vue'

  baidu: {
    width: 23.868,
    height: 26,
    d: 'M3.613 13.701c2.827-.608 2.442-3.986 2.357-4.725-.138-1.139-1.477-3.128-3.296-2.971C.386 6.21.052 9.515.052 9.515c-.309 1.528.74 4.793 3.561 4.186zm3.002 5.875c-.083.238-.268.846-.107 1.375.315 1.187 1.346 1.24 1.346 1.24h1.48v-3.619H7.749c-.713.213-1.057.767-1.134 1.004zM8.86 8.035c1.562 0 2.823-1.797 2.823-4.019C11.683 1.796 10.421 0 8.86 0 7.301 0 6.036 1.796 6.036 4.016c0 2.222 1.265 4.019 2.824 4.019zm6.724.265c2.087.271 3.429-1.956 3.695-3.644.272-1.686-1.074-3.644-2.552-3.98-1.48-.339-3.329 2.032-3.497 3.578-.2 1.89.271 3.778 2.354 4.046zm5.114 9.923s-3.229-2.498-5.113-5.198c-2.555-3.981-6.185-2.361-7.399-.337-1.209 2.024-3.093 3.305-3.36 3.644-.271.334-3.9 2.293-3.095 5.871.806 3.576 3.635 3.508 3.635 3.508s2.085.205 4.504-.336c2.42-.537 4.503.134 4.503.134s5.652 1.893 7.199-1.751c1.545-3.645-.874-5.535-.874-5.535zm-9.671 5.423H7.352c-1.587-.316-2.219-1.4-2.299-1.584-.078-.188-.528-1.059-.29-2.539.686-2.219 2.642-2.379 2.642-2.379h1.956V14.74l1.666.025v8.881zm6.844-.025h-4.229c-1.639-.423-1.716-1.587-1.716-1.587v-4.677l1.716-.027v4.203c.104.447.661.529.661.529h1.742v-4.705h1.825v6.264zm5.986-12.486c0-.808-.671-3.239-3.159-3.239-2.492 0-2.825 2.295-2.825 3.917 0 1.548.131 3.71 3.227 3.641 3.096-.068 2.757-3.507 2.757-4.319z'

More advanced cases

If your svg has more than one path or polygon, and/or you want to have a predefined style, you can register like this:


// ES Modules with vue-loader
import Icon from 'vue-awesome/components/Icon.vue'

  webpack: {
    width: 1200,
    height: 1200,
    paths: [
        style: 'fill:#8ED6FB',
        d: 'M1035.6 879.3l-418.1 236.5V931.6L878 788.3l157.6 91zm28.6-25.9V358.8l-153 88.3V765l153 88.4zm-901.5 25.9l418.1 236.5V931.6L320.3 788.3l-157.6 91zm-28.6-25.9V358.8l153 88.3V765l-153 88.4zM152 326.8L580.8 84.2v178.1L306.1 413.4l-2.1 1.2-152-87.8zm894.3 0L617.5 84.2v178.1l274.7 151.1 2.1 1.2 152-87.8z'
        style: 'fill:#1C78C0',
        d: 'M580.8 889.7l-257-141.3v-280l257 148.4v272.9zm36.7 0l257-141.3v-280l-257 148.4v272.9zm-18.3-283.6zM341.2 436l258-141.9 258 141.9-258 149-258-149z'


// ES Modules with vue-loader
import Icon from 'vue-awesome/components/Icon.vue'

  vue: {
    width: 256,
    height: 221,
    polygons: [
        style: 'fill:#41B883',
        points: '0,0 128,220.8 256,0 204.8,0 128,132.48 50.56,0 0,0'
        style: 'fill:#35495E',
        points: '50.56,0 128,133.12 204.8,0 157.44,0 128,51.2 97.92,0 50.56,0'
