Chart components based on Vue2.x and Echarts


When using echarts to generate charts, we often need to do cumbersome data scheme conversion, modify complex configuration items, v-charts precisely to solve this. v-charts is based on Vue2.x and echarts, just need to provide a friendly data scheme and set simple configuration items, you can easily generate common charts.


  • Uniform data format: Use an uniform data format that both convient for frontend and backend, and also easy to create and edit.
  • Simplified configuration: With simplified configuration items, complex requirements can be easily implemented.
  • Simple customization: Provide a variety of custom Echarts way, you can easily set the chart options.


Modern browsers and Internet Explorer 10+, include pc and mobile browser.


npm i v-charts echarts -S


    <ve-line :data="chartData"></ve-line>

import VeLine from 'v-charts/lib/line.common'
export default {
  components: { VeLine },
  data () {
    return {
      chartData: {
        columns: ['date', 'PV'],
        rows: [
          { 'date': '01-01', 'PV': 1231 },
          { 'date': '01-02', 'PV': 1223 },
          { 'date': '01-03', 'PV': 2123 },
          { 'date': '01-04', 'PV': 4123 },
          { 'date': '01-05', 'PV': 3123 },
          { 'date': '01-06', 'PV': 7123 }
