Create A To-do List With Vue.Js
This project is for ITIS 4440 – 001 Individual Project Assignment
The purpose of this project is to allow users to create a to-do list. In this code the user will be able to create, edit, and remove code.
Current Interactions:
To create a task the user must input text and press enter
To edit the task the user can double click the task to change it
To remove the code they can use the checkbox or x mark to remove the code
Filter All, completed, active (incomplete)
The resources used to make this possible is
This project was inspired by one of our first assignments in class creating a to-do list as well as the common struggles in a college student life in time management.
I wanted to create a project where students will be able to digitally create an easy method to keep on track of things they need to do. I wanted to include a calender, a timer, and a to-do list. However I was only able to complete 1 out of the 3 goals of the project.
Some barriers I faced were my lack of knowledge in programming as well as the limited Time I could invest in this projects. It has taken me considerable time to learn and create this project.