Drag-and-drop editor for Docassemble interviews



GraphDoc is a web-application that has been developed by Sander van Essel as part of an internship for the Maastricht Law & Tech Lab, which is part of Maastricht University, The Netherlands.

The goal of this application is to aid users in visually constructing Docassemble interview configuration files.


The demo is available at https://maastrichtlawtech.github.io/graphdoc/.


User Interface Docassemble

The interview constructed in the above screenshot results in the following generated Docassemble interview configuration file:

question: Start
subquestion: |
  walk or bus?
continue button field: walk_or_bus
question: Question
subquestion: |
  is it raining?
field: is_raining
  - "No"
  - "Yes"
question: Notice
subquestion: |
  take an umbrella
continue button field: notice_take_umbrella
event: end_bus
question: End
subquestion: |
  take the bus
event: end_walk
question: End
subquestion: |
  take a walk
mandatory: True
code: |
  if is_raining == 'Yes':
  if is_raining == 'No':



The recommended method for installing GraphDoc on a server is using Docker.

First clone the repositry and navigate with the command line to the destination folder.

git clone https://github.com/maastrichtlawtech/graphdoc
cd graphdoc

Next, build the container

docker build -t graphdoc ./

Then run the container on the desired port, which is 80 by default.

docker run graphdoc --name graphdoc -p 80:80

Manual installation

To manually install GraphDoc, you are required to have atleast npm installed. It does not require a webserver, however this is recommended.

First clone the repositry and navigate with the command line to the destination folder.

git clone https://github.com/maastrichtlawtech/graphdoc
cd graphdoc

Next, install the npm dependencies and build the files using npm

npm install
npm run build

The built package is located at ./dist. This folder can be served using any webserver, like http-server:

npx http-server dist

Alternatively, the index.html file in the dist folder (dist/index.html) can be opened using a webbrowser from the file explorer.


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