Easy way to dynamically create reactive forms in vue

Vue Dynamic Forms

Easy way to dynamically create reactive forms in vue based on a varying business object model.

Implementing handcrafted forms can be:

  1. Costly
  2. Time-consuming

Specially if you need to create a very large form, in which the inputs are similar to each other, and they change frequently to meet rapidly changing business and regulatory requirements.

So, will not be more economical to create the forms dynamically? Based on metadata that describes the business object model?

That's Vue Dynamic Forms.


$ npm install @asigloo/vue-dynamic-forms

or if you prefer yarn

$ yarn add @asigloo/vue-dynamic-forms



Register the component globally in your main.js:

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueDynamicForms from '@asigloo/vue-dynamic-forms';



You can include the dynamic form directly to your component.

import Vue from 'vue';
import { DynamicForm } from '@asigloo/vue-dynamic-forms';

const components = { DynamicForm };

export {

Form Composition

The dynamic form component is really easy to use, you will only need to add it to your template like this:

  <dynamic-form :id="testForm.id" :fields="testForm.fields" />
  <button type="submit" :form="testForm.id">Submit</button>

And then create the fields on your component's data structure, to create the fields you can import the factory function FormField from the library core:

import { FormField } from '@asigloo/vue-dynamic-forms';

const yourAwesomeComponent = {
  name: 'your-awesome',
  data() {
    return {
      testForm: {
        id: 'test-form',
        fields: [
          new FormField({
            type: 'text',
            label: 'Name',
            name: 'name',
          new FormField({
            type: 'email',
            label: 'Email',
            name: 'email',

export default yourAwesomeComponent;

Each FormField has a set of properties to customize your input field:

Property Type Default Description
type String text Define the nature of the field, can be text|email|url|password|number|radio|checkbox|textarea|select
label String null Defines the text in the input label
placeholder String null Defines short hint that describes the expected value of an input field
name String null Name property for the field inside of the form data
value any null Initial value of the input field
disabled Boolean false Whenever the input field is disabled or not
customClass String null Allows the user to set custom classes to the input for styling purpouses
options Array of Objects [] Options for input type select
inline Boolean false Specifies if options for radio|checkbox should be inline
validations Array of Objects [] Array of FormValidation objects, specify validations and messages for the input

Events and Submit

Event Type Emitter Description
submit DynamicForm Emits whenever the submit button has been clicked and the form is valid (no errors), returns all the form values in an Object
form-error DynamicForm Emits whenever the submit button has been clicked and the form is invalid (with errors), returns all errors
change DynamicForm Emits every time there is a value changed on the form, returns all the form values in an Object without the need ob submitting

A small example of a form without submit button

const yourAwesomeComponent = {
  name: 'your-awesome',
  methods: {
    valuesChanged(values) {
      this.formData = {

Select input

new FormField({
  type: 'select',
  label: 'Category',
  name: 'category',
  options: [
    { value: null, text: 'Please select an option' },
    { value: 'arduino', text: 'Arduino' },
    { value: 'transistors', text: 'Transistors' },

Radio and Checkboxes

new FormField({
  type: 'checkbox',
  label: 'Read the conditions',
  name: 'conditions',
  inline: false,
new FormField({
  type: 'radio',
  label: 'Prefered Animal',
  name: 'animal',
  inline: true,
  options: [
    { text: 'Dogs', value: 'dogs' },
    { text: 'Cats', value: 'cats' },
    { text: 'Others', value: 'others' },


This library offers a simple validation system using the property validations as an array of FormValidationobjects containing the validation function and the text in case of error.

To use it you need the following code:

import {
} from '@asigloo/vue-dynamic-forms';

const yourAwesomeComponent = {
  name: 'your-awesome',
  data() {
    return {
      testForm: {
        id: 'test-form',
        fields: [
          new FormField({
            type: 'text',
            label: 'Name',
            name: 'name',
          new FormField({
            type: 'email',
            label: 'Email',
            name: 'email',
            validations: [
              new FormValidation(required, 'This field is required'),
              new FormValidation(email, 'Format of email is incorrect'),
          new FormField({
            type: 'password',
            label: 'Password',
            name: 'password',
            validations: [
              new FormValidation(required, 'This field is required'),
              new FormValidation(
                'Password must contain at least 1 Uppercase, 1 Lowercase, 1 number, 1 special character and min 8 characters max 10',

export default yourAwesomeComponent;

Styling themes

The components are unstyled by default, so you can customize them with your own styles. If you want a more "ready to go" solution you can import on of the themes we have included in src/styles/themes/

@import '~@asigloo/vue-dynamic-forms/src/styles/themes/default.scss';


Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads

yarn run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn run build

Run your tests

yarn run test

Lints and fixes files

yarn run lint

Run your unit tests

yarn run test:unit


If you find this library useful and you want to help improve it, maintain it or just want a new feature, feel free to contact me, or feel free to do a PR ?.


This are the features I have planned for next versions of this library

  • [ ] Material theme
  • [ ] Form Mixins for fields manipulation (for example, change values of a field depending of other)
  • [ ] More complex input types.
  • [ ] Nuxt plugin istall
  • [ ] Better docs & online examples
  • [ ] Storybook
