A customizable Vue component for a range slider input

Vue Custom Range Input Component

A customizable Vue component for a range slider input. Provides flexibility to use static or dynamic steps, along with additional visual rules for better user experience.


You can install the component using yarn:

npm install vue-custom-range-inputbash


yarn add vue-custom-range-inputbash


First, import the component into your Vue file:

import VueCustomRangeInput from 'vue-custom-range-input';

Then, register the component:

export default {
  components: {

Now you can use the component in your template:

<VueCustomRangeInput v-model="yourValue" :min="minValue" :max="maxValue" :step="stepValue" />


  • modelValue (required): The value bound to the slider.
  • min (optional, default: 0): The minimum value of the slider.
  • max (optional, default: 100): The maximum value of the slider.
  • steps (optional, default: []): An array of values for discrete steps.
  • step (optional, default: 1): The step interval between values.
  • showRule (optional, default: false): Shows the rule markers when set to true.


  • update:modelValue: Emits the current value of the slider when it changes.


  • label: A slot to customize the label of each step. Receives value as a prop.


You can style the component by targeting the classes used internally. The component uses SCSS for styling, and the styles are scoped to the component.

Here is an example of how you might override the styles:

<style lang="scss">
.vue-custom-range-input {
  &__labels {
    ul {
      li {
        // your custom styles here


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Viacheslav Angel


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