Localizer for Kirby helps to change every localized string within the panel – other plugins included

Localizer for Kirby – A plugin to override Panel and Plugin translations.


This plugin is still in Beta and is likely to change. If you find something which can be improved, please let me know and open
an issue.

Known issues

  • Add search functionality
  • Add translations (I know, I know ¯_(ツ)_/¯)
  • Add tests


composer require gearsdigital/localizer-for-kirby

What is this about?

This plugin lets you change every localized string within the panel – plugins included. Sometimes you want to change a text to fit your needs better. Localizer for Kirby will
help you to make that possible.


Translation dialog

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-27 um 17 03 47

Unsaved changes

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-27 um 17 04 05

Confirm dialog

Applied changes


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