Museum of Ordinary Objects Web Application using Vue

Museum of Ordinary Objects

In this assignment, you will build an entire web application, using Vue for the
front end and Node, Express, and Mongo on the back end. As part of this, we will
show you how to upload photos to a server.

Starting the Lab

To start the lab, you must follow the GitHub Classroom link in Canvas. If you got here some other way, go back to Canvas. Using the GitHub Classroom link will create a private repository for you using our classroom site. We will only grade repositories created and submitted this way.

Once you “Accept the assignment” on GitHub Classroom, it will create a new
repository for you and grant you access to it on GitHub. In order to start
working on the lab, simply clone the repository to your laptop or other working


Use the tutorials to create the application. This will
help you create an application that includes creating items for the museum and
displaying them. Once you are done, your home page should look like this:

and your admin page should look like this:

Additional Functionality

Once you complete these introductory tutorials, add the following functionality:

Link to GitHub repository

In a footer, you must include a link to your GitHub repository, which must be
stored in GitHub Classroom.


On Canvas, submit the URL for your website, which should be running on your
DigitalOcean server.

Rubric for Grading

Please see Canvas for the rubric.


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