One-page agency portfolio theme using Vue 3.0 and Bootstrap 5

Agency Foxy Template by Ryan Balieiro

I crafted this one-page agency portfolio theme using Vue 3.0 and Bootstrap 5. The theme comprises a range of content sections, including but not limited to a portfolio gallery, testimonials, and contact. Being fully customizable, it can be seamlessly incorporated into your business with great ease.


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To begin, clone the theme’s source files and navigate to its root directory. Then, execute npm install followed by npm run dev. This will open a preview of the template in your default browser, keep an eye out for changes in the core template files, and automatically reload the browser upon saving any modifications. To get a comprehensive list of available scripts, refer to the “package.json” file.

Running npm run build will build the entire project, which includes compiling assets, HTML, JS, and CSS into “dist”.

To use this build environment, make sure you have npm installed on your system.


This template was created by and is maintained by Ryan Balieiro.

The template is based on the Bootstrap framework created by Mark Otto and Jacob Thorton; and the Vue framework created by Evan You.

Copyright and License

Code released under the MIT license.


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