Performance-oriented version of the current Valorant Store Checker


This is the frontend and backend. Anyone can see the code.


If you need help, join us on Discord.

Problem found?

Please report in this repository or on Discord.


If you would like to use your native language or help us with translation, please do so.

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Copy en.json into the locales folder of the forked repository and rename the file with the code of the language you want to translate.
  3. Open pull request

You can also upload the translated json file to Discord and we will add it here.

Special Thanks


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This project is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Riot Games, Inc or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.

I, the project owner and creator, am not responsible for any legalities that may arise in the use of this project. Use at your own risk.


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