RawModel.js plugin for Vue.js v2. Form validation has never been easier


RawModel.js plugin for Vue.js v2. Form validation has never been easier!

This plugin integrates RawModel.js framework into your Vue.js application.

RawModel.js is a simple framework which provides a strongly-typed JavaScript object with support for validation and error handling. It has a rich API which significantly simplifies server-side and client-side data validation and manipulation. Because it's an unopinionated framework it flawlessly integrates with popular modules like vuex, apollo-client and other related libraries.

RawModel.js together with Vue.js represents a web framework on steroids. Thanks to its powerful and flexible model objects, a form validation has never been easier. This plugin brings even more elegant way to do form validation using RawModel.js and still leaves you freedom to customize and fine-tune the integration.

Make sure you check RawModel.js API page for details about the framework.

This is a light weight open source package for Vue.js written with TypeScript. It's actively maintained and ready for production environments. The source code is available on GitHub where you can also find our issue tracker.


Run the command below to install the package.

$ npm install --save vue-rawmodel rawmodel

This package uses promises thus you need to use Promise polyfill when promises are not supported.

When used with a module system, you must explicitly install vue-rawmodel via Vue.use().

import Vue from 'vue';
import VueRawModel from 'vue-rawmodel';


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