Readily Configured Starter Template to quickly setup Jetstream Inertia Generator

(Laravel + Vite.js + Tailwindcss + Vue3) + JIG CRUD Generator
This is a starter template with a ready-made setup of Jetstream Inertia Generator to avoid the hassle of initial configuration.
What you will get
- Already configured Users, Roles and Permissions Modules
- Fully working JIG CRUD generator
- Jetstream + Inertia + Fortify
- Laravel Permissions
- Simple Landing Page
- Jetstream+Inertia’s default Profile Page
Steps to Setup for Dev:
- Click Use This Template to clone this template to your own repository
- Clone your repo to your local machine
- Setup your database
composer install
yarn install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate --seed
php artisan storage:link
php artisan serve
yarn dev
Building assets for production:
- Simply run
yarn build
to build assets for production.
In case of any issues, please create an issue in this repository or in the Parent Jetstream Inertia Generator repo.
- If you like the effort that we’ve put into this, please take a minute to give us a star. Thank you.