Routes or items as a tree view with vue 3

Vue 3 router tree

This component is based on Vue.js 3, it represents your routes or items as a tree view, by default takes it takes the routes configuration as items, but you could provide your custom items that respects the following format :

      component:SomeComponent //optional but if it's provided the tree node will be a link that redirects to this component



You could also add any other field that you need it when you want to customize the items rendering


 npm install vue3-router-tree --save


With router :

<vue3-router-tree />

with custom items :

	<div class="demo">
		<vue3-router-tree :items="routes"> </vue3-router-tree>

<script lang="ts">
	import { defineComponent } from 'vue';

	import Vue3RouterTree from '.vue3-router-tree';
	export default defineComponent({
		data() {
			return {
				routes: [
						path: '/',
						name: 'Home',
						hasIcon: true,
						path: '/dashboard',
						name: 'Dashboard',
						hasIcon: true,
						path: '/component',
						name: 'Components',
						hasIcon: true,
						children: [
								path: '/alerts',
								name: 'Alerts',
								path: '/avatars',
								name: 'Avatars',
								path: '/buttons',
								name: 'Buttons',
								path: '/forms',
								name: 'Forms',
								children: [
										path: '/autocompletes',
										name: 'Autocompletes',
										path: '/checkboxes',
										name: 'Checkboxes',

props :

Name default description
items [] the tree items or if not provided the component renders the current available routes
activeColor "#5d1df1" the color of the active sub node

slots :

Name description
item override the default item rendering
