Select & Multi Select implementations for Vue


Select & Multi Select implementations for Vue, focused especially on implementing accessibility best practices.

Current Development

This entire repo is very much in an alpha state, and should currently be used only within internal Politico projects, as props / events / classes remain fluid. However, we are working towards a 1.0.0 release, and want to capture our relevant bugs fixed during that process.

Current Usage (updated 9/14/20)

// In component

import { SelectSingle, SelectMulti, SelectOption } from '@politico/vue-accessible-selects'

const sampleOptions: SelectOption[] = [{
	label: 'One Option',
	value: 'one_option'
}, {
	label: 'Another Option',
	value: 'another_option'

export default Vue.extend({
	components: { SelectSingle, SelectMulti },
	data() {
		return {
			selectSingleValue: {} as SelectOption,
			selectMultiValues: [] as SelectOption[]
	methods: {
		handleSelectEvent(selectedValue: SelectOption) {
			// selectedValue will be the most recently selected value
			// *generally not necessary*, if state can be handled w/ v-model alone
		handleRemoveEvent(selectedValue: SelectOption) {
			// selectedValue will be the most recently removed value
			// *generally not necessary*, if state can be handled w/ v-model alone
		handleSearchChangeEvent(inputValue: string) {
			// inputValue will be the current user-provided search string
			// primarily useful for making autocomplete calls

	label="My Single Select"

	label="My Multiple Select"
	placeholder="Default Text to Display"
// For now, we provide SCSS mixins to customize w/ colors
// Soon, we'll add documentation for the primary classes to target, as well as a default .css file to include
// So in a .scss file used by your project...

// Using Webpack syntax: `~` indicates "look in the current working directory"
@import '~@politico/vue-accessible-selects/dist/mixins.scss';

@include select(
	$primary-background-color: white,
	$focus-background-color: green,
@include select-multi(
	$selected-option-pill-color: blue,
	$selected-option-pill-background-color: lightblue
