Simple and beautiful card component with an elegant spark line for VueJS


Simple and beautiful card component with an elegant spark line, for VueJS.


npm i -S vue-info-card


After the installation, the component can be used by passing the appropriate props for displaying the data and messages. A sample usage within a single file component is as follows:

    <info-card :frontType="'graph'"
      :backData="back.message" />

import InfoCard from 'vue-info-card';

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      front: {
        title: 'Daily Conversion Value',
        graphData: [3, 2, 5, 9, 5, 10, 3, 5, 0, 0, 1, 8, 2, 9, 0],
      back: {
        title: 'Monthly Summary',
        message: 'Your average daily conversion value for this month is <b>50.4$</b>. It is below the average of the last six months.',


There are basically three different props for each faces of the card. A face requires a type, such as graph or text, a title, and a data to display in the body of the card.
The props are as follows:

prop Type Optional? Default Description
frontType String :white_check_mark: 'text' Type of the front face of the card. Available options are graph or text.
frontTitle String :white_check_mark: 'Default Card Title' Title of the front face of the card.
frontData String or Array :x: Data that will be displayed on the front face of the card. If frontType is set to graph, this must be an array; otherwise, a string.
frontTrendGradients Array :white_check_mark: ['#4facfe', '#00f2fe'] Gradient that will be used on the spark line, expected to be an array of color hexas as strings.
backType String :white_check_mark: 'text' Type of the back face of the card. Available options are graph or text.
backTitle String :white_check_mark: 'Default Card Title' Title of the back face of the card.
backData String or Array :x: Data that will be displayed on the back face of the card. If frontType is set to graph, this must be an array; otherwise, a string.
backTrendGradients Array :white_check_mark: ['#4facfe', '#00f2fe'] Gradient that will be used on the spark line, expected to be an array of color hexas as strings.

Note that both frontData and backData props accept HTML as input, which means you can inject elements to the card body directly.
