Simple to use and manage modal with Vue.js


nice-modal-react vue implementation. Simple to use and manage modal.


  • Create modal without losing context
  • No need to maintain show variables
  • Using promise interact


$ npm install vue-modal-provider


Embed your application with ModalProvider

<!--App.vue --> <script setup lang="ts"> import { RouterView } from "vue-router"; import ModalProvider from "vue-modal-provider"; </script> <template> <ModalProvider> <RouterView /> </ModalProvider> </template>

Create modal component

<!-- Modal.vue --> <template> <el-dialog v-model="visible"> {{ args }} <el-button @click="hide(), resolve(1111), remove()">close</el-button> </el-dialog> </template> <script lang="ts" setup> import { useModalRef } from "vue-modal-provider"; const { // show variables visible, // close modal hide, args, // remove modal lose animation remove, resolve, reject } = useModalRef(); </script>

Use in the view

<script lang="ts" setup> import { useModal } from "vue-modal-provider"; import TestModal from './Modal.vue' const {show} = useModal(TestModal) function showModal() { show('test msg').then(c=>{ console.log(c); }) } </script> <template> <el-button @click="showModal">open modal</el-button> </template>


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