Simple customizable Vue.js timepicker component


? Simple customizable Vue.js timepicker component.


npm install vue-timeselector --save


yarn add vue-timeselector
import Timeselector from 'vue-timeselector';

export default {
  // ...
  components: {
  // ...


Basic Usage

<!-- Default to 24-Hour format HH:mm -->

value prop if passed should be a Date object in order to pass a preconfigured time or Null if you want to set the picker default time as 00:00.

export default {
  components: { Timeselector },
  data() {
    return {
      time: new Date() // or null
<timeselector :value="time"></timeselector>

Using v-model

<datepicker v-model="time"></datepicker>

Support name attribute for normal html form submission

<datepicker :value="time" :name="uniquename"></datepicker>

Support id attribute as well

<datepicker :value="time" :id="uniqueid"></datepicker>

Make a use of state attributes like disabled or required

<datepicker :value="time" :required="true" :disabled="false"></datepicker>

Choose a placeholder as default views (need more tests)

<datepicker :value="time" :placeholder="'Select a time'"></datepicker>

Emits events

<datepicker :value="time" @input="myInputFunc" @opened="myOpenFunc" @closed="myCloseFunc">

Custom modal

  • displayHours
  • displayMinutes
  • displaySeconds

Customized Time Format

  • displayed
  • returned
  • utc
  • separator


12 Hours in modal


Interval in modal


Highligth time


Disable time


Slot (TODO)


Style sdelector (TODO)

Use classes to curstomize elements

Classes structure

vue-timeselector is built following BEM guidelines so it's easy for everyone to overrides the component's styles for each elements and their modifiers. Here is that classes structure.

Block - Elements
| .vtimeselector
|----- .vtimeselector__input
|----- .vtimeselector__box
|      |
|      | ----- .vtimeselector__box__list .vtimeselector__box__list--hours
|      |       |
|      |       | ----- vtimeselector__box__item .vtimeselector__box__item--hours
|      |       | ----- vtimeselector__box__item .vtimeselector__box__item--hours
|      |       | ----- ...
|      |
|      | ----- .vtimeselector__box__list .vtimeselector__box__list--minutes
|      |       |
|      |       | ----- vtimeselector__box__item .vtimeselector__box__item--minutes
|      |       | ----- vtimeselector__box__item .vtimeselector__box__item--minutes
|      |       | ----- ...
|      |
|      | ----- .vtimeselector__box__list .vtimeselector__box__list--seconds
|      |       |
|      |       | ----- vtimeselector__box__item .vtimeselector__box__item--seconds
|      |       | ----- vtimeselector__box__item .vtimeselector__box__item--seconds
|      |       | ----- ..
|      |
|      | ----- .vtimeselector__box__list .vtimeselector__box__list--ampm
|      |       |
|      |       | ----- vtimeselector__box__item .vtimeselector__box__item--ampm
|      |       | ----- vtimeselector__box__item .vtimeselector__box__item--ampm
|      |       | ----- ...

  • .vtimeselector__input--is-open: Modifier displayed on .vtimeselector__input element when the modal is opened

  • .vtimeselector__box--is-closed: Modifier displayed on .vtimeselector__box element when the modal is closed

  • .timeselector__box__item--is-highlighted: Modifier displayed on .timeselector__box__item element when the item is highlighted

  • .timeselector__box__item--is-selected: Modifier displayed on .timeselector__box__item element when the item is selected

  • .timeselector__box__item--is-disabled: Modifier displayed on .timeselector__box__item element when the item is disabled

Available props

Prop Type Default Description
value Date / Null Date value of the timepicker
name String Input name property
id String Input id
placeholder String Input placeholder text
required Boolean false Sets html required attribute on input
disabled Boolean false If true, disable timepicker on screen
displayHours Boolean true Display hours to the input
displayMinutes Boolean true Display minutes to the input
displaySeconds Boolean false Display seconds to the input
separator String ":" Separator symbol used if no displayFormat
padTime Boolean true Pads number with a zero (both input and modal)
displayFormat String Time formatting string displayed
returnFormat String TODO Time formatting string returned
h24 Boolean false Display 24 hours format
utc Boolean true Return UTC date format
inline Boolean false Show the timepicker always open
initialView Boolean false Open on the first
interval Object {h:1, m:10, s:10} Define hours, minutes and seconds interval to the picker
highlight Object Hightligth defined time on hours, minutes and seconds
disable Object Disable specific time on hours, minutes and seconds
pickerStyle String TODO Set the timepicker style


These events are emitted on actions in the timepicker

Event Output Description
opened Node The picker is opened
closed Node The picker is closed
selectedHour Date An hour has been selected
selectedMinute Date A minute has been selected
selectedSecond Date A second has been selected
selectedAmpm String A ampm field has been selected
selectedDisabled Object A disabled time has been selected
input Date Input value has been modified
cleared Selected time has been cleared

Time formatting

String formatter

Token Desc Example
H hour from 0 to 23 (non-zero padded) 0 1 ... 22 23
HH hour from 0 to 23 (zero padded) 00 01 ... 22 23
h hour from 1 to 12 (non-zero padded) 1 2 ... 11 12
hh hour from 1 to 12 (zero padded) 01 02 ... 11 12
k hour from 1 to 24 (non-zero padded) 1 2 ... 23 24
kk hour from 1 to 24 (zero padded) 01 02 ... 23 24
m one digit minutes 0 1 ... 58 59
mm two digits minutes 00 01 ... 58 59
s one digit seconds 0 1 ... 58 59
ss two digits seconds 00 01 ... 58 59
