Stream anime or read manga from multiple sources build with vue and Tailwind CSS


Yukino lets you read manga or stream anime ad-free from multiple sources. The project's name "Yukino" meaning "Snow" named after the character "Yukino Yukinoshita" from the anime "Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru".

We do not support piracy nor run/serve any illegal or copyrighted contents, everything is acquired from third-party sources. The developer of this application does not have any affiliation with any of the third-party sources.


Code structure

Under the hood

Developer guide

Cloning & Installing

git clone
cd yukino-app

Running the app in development

yarn vite:dev # Vite
yarn electron:dev # Electron
# No hot reload for Capacitor

Building the app in development

yarn vite:build # Vite
yarn electron:build # Electron
yarn capacitor:android:build # Capacitor (android)